Shopping Cart (0)

Important dates

Late registration deadline: 15 March 2025

Early bird registration deadline: 28 February 2025

Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2025

Abstract acceptance date: 15 February 2025

About Payment

    If you wish to pay by Bank transfer, after pressing Submit, close the page from the Stripe web site, and select from bellow what you wish to be added in your Shopping cart. Pressing on Checkout under opening Shopping cart you will be redirected to a form that must be completed and, you can download your invoice with all necessary data for Bank transfer. 

   If you wish to pay online by Credit/Debit Card, complete the form bellow and, by pressing SUBMIT button, you will be redirected to the STRIPE web page for fast payment, where you should pay attention to the selection of the ammount which, by default will be selected all, so you should select only the quantity that you want to pay and eliminate all other selections by modifying the quantity to "0".

First Name and Last Name *
Title *
E-mail *
Address *

Type of presentation

Message *

By pressing SUBMIT button you will be redirected to the STRIPE web page for fast payment (Credit or Debit Card) where you should pay attention to the ammount selection, by default all will be selected, so you should select only the quantity that you want to pay for and eliminate the other selections by modifying the quantity to "0". 

If you want to pay by Bank transfer, after pressing Submit, close the page from the Stripe web site and, select from above the form that you whish to be added in your Shopping cart. By pressing on Checkout, under opening Shopping cart, you will be redirected to a form that must be completed and you can download your invoice with all necessary data for Bank transfer. 




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Rose & co